
Friday, May 31, 2013

Nature Walk

Miracle of miracles - I scrapped!
Second miracle of the day - I actually have time to blog about it!  Hello Summer Break, I love you!

Okay, so anyway, I've missed out on TONS of great kits and goodies that have come out during the month of May, because I have had ZERO time to scrap, or even look at new products or THINK about scrapping. It's been a busy month. Yesterday evening, though, I took advantage of some quiet(ish) time, and plopped my butt in front of my computer. Truthfully, I almost felt guilty about just sitting still. Sad isn't it? But true.

I'm a bit (*cough, a lot*) out of practice, and I sort of didn't even know where to start. So I decided to keep things super simple. Pick a few photos, crop them to standard 4x6 size, and pretend I'm doing a page with paper supplies. It all started coming together pretty easily from there. Here's what I came up with.

The photos were taken on the day of Meagan's 8th birthday party (which was this month, although you wouldn't know that because I never blogged about it). She had a bunch of girls over for a few hours, but 2 of them stayed the night. Once the party cleared out, the 3 girls, Dublin and I went for a walk down to the nature reserve by our house. We found a trail through the woods, and we played in the river. Meagan and C literally played IN the river, but G kept her distance. It was a good time, though. Sadly, I didn't have my actual camera with me, so these are cell phone pictures. They work.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picky Eater (???)

Two days ago, I noticed that Dublin's food bowl was full. And had been full for several hours. Odd? A little. But I thought maybe it was the heat, and he would just eat in the cooler hours. Well, night came and went, and the food still sat there in the bowl. Surely he would eat in the morning then, right? Nope. Morning came and went as well. And not only would he not eat, but he was actually spitting the food back out. I tried to get him to eat from my hand (because at this point I was a little worried... Weims have tummy issues as it is.  Combine that with being a large breed and running the risk of turning the stomach if they romp while their stomachs are too full...) and he would take it and drop it right back down on the floor. So I tried a treat. He would either not take it at all, or he would spit it out, much like the food. At this point, I had this nagging little something in the back of my head wondering if something was really wrong. 

One more little experiment to try before deciding there was a big issue... 

I took a tiny piece of Isaac's breakfast sandwich (turkey, cheese, croissant) and offered that to Dublin. He not only took it and swallowed it, but he followed me around begging for more. 

Hmmmmm..... what we have here is a case of a picky eater!! I don't think (although who knows what the kids do when I'm not looking) we feed him much in the way of people food. Not intentionally anyhow. But the counter surfing and dumpster diving must have given him a taste of what he's missing, and he thought he could shun the puppy food in favor of the people stuff. 

Not gonna happen. 

I told the kids right away not to give him ANYTHING but puppy food. He will eventually get hungry enough to eat what is being offered to him. 

He held out all morning. And much of the afternoon. But by about 4:00, he finally gave in and started nibbling at his food. I noticed, though, that he was still taking the food out of the bowl, dropping it on the floor, and then picking it back up to eat it. Well, over the weekend I had gotten him a food bowl thing that stands about a foot off the ground (to keep the ants out, and also because I guess it's supposed to be better for them to eat this way??). Apparently, though, he is not a fan of elevated food, because when I put the bowl down on the floor, he chowed!! Empty bowl. Full puppy. No issues. Just a picky picky eater. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Project Life 2013: Week 12

Nope, I'm not even a little up-to-date on my Project Life. But I'm not giving up! I'm determined to make something of this project for 2013!

Here's week 12...

Right side close-up...

Left side close-up...

(Click to view credits)

The highlights of the week...
* snow day from school on Monday!!
* Lucas got a Camero rental car for work travel
* Bas is working on level stuff at gymnastics
* e-collar for Dublin
* Chili's for a bacon cheeseburger...and a really long wait
* Webkinz reemerge as a hot item around our house
* Family Survivor dinner date
* Handles on the kitchen cabinets - Meagan helped
* We met our pastor at church this weekend for the first time