
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Run run as fast as you can...

Yesterday was a day of running... at least in the morning. First we ran to the gas station. Then we ran to the bank. Then we ran to the eye doctor. Then we ran home to make lunch. Then we ran to Wal-Mart. The morning was a marathon!

But the pace slowed once we got to Wal-mart. We had finally accomplished everything on our to-do list for the morning. And Meagan was being a trooper about it all. She was (for the first time in a while) being a very good listener, and being very well-behaved and patient in all the stores and doctors' offices and such. So, we decided to take a stroll through the toy department, where she found a LIST of things she would like to have, whether now or for her birthday, she's not picky! *LOL* I did concede to letting her get a little Polly-Pocket-ish Disney Princess... Sleeping Beauty. Of course, since we got something for her, she thought we should get something to surprise the boys with. So, we picked out a small Bionicle for each of them. About $6 each, and they were THRILLED... and occupied for the remainder of the evening.

Last night for dinner, a friend of ours came over with her itty bitty little baby boy! He is SO darn cute! We all just hung out for a while, until about 8:00 when she headed home. The kids laid down for a movie bedtime, and Lucas and I chilled. A nice relaxing ending to a day that started off in a hurry.

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