
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Baskets

This morning was our church's Christmas Basket outreach. So, the kids and I rolled out of bed early this morning, got ready, and headed over to the church to help assemble baskets to be handed out around our community. At first, they were sort of grumbling about it... 'I don't want to do this; it's boring; blah blah blah' But soon, they got into the whole thing. Sebastian took the list of what needed to go in each basket, and Isaac and Meagan helped fill the orders. It was a great opportunity to remind my children that God has blessed us so very much, and we should take every chance we get to be a blessing to others.

At one point I explained it to Isaac like this: Today we are practicing giving to others. What we practice becomes habit, so let's practice doing good.

Journaling: The kids and I went to the church to help fill Christmas baskets this year. The boys worked together to pack the baskets full. Meagan did her part, too. Here, she and her buddy Pastor Mark are working together.

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