
Sunday, September 9, 2007

What are little sisters for?

If I could go back in time about 4 hours, I would queue up the camcorder and have it on-hand for the night's upcoming dinner conversation. Meagan had us laughing so hard we were nearly in tears tonight. Here's the whole story...

Tonight for dinner we had chicken fingers, peas, and macaroni. A pretty kid-friendly meal, by most kid standards... but not Isaac's. About a month ago he declared an absolute, uncompromising hatred for macaroni and cheese (he's not my kid!). So when macaroni comes up as one of the elements of a meal, we have issues with Isaac. Tonight we heard, my tummy hurts, I'm full, and I just want to eat the BBQ sauce. Finally, he simply resorted to the stall tactic of pretending to forget that the food was there and simply not taking any more bites of anything. Well, Sebastian and Meagan had finished their meals, and had waited long enough. So I went ahead and gave them their desert - cupcakes with chocolate icing (left over from the first day of school).

Before I go any further, note that Isaac and Meagan were sitting by each other at dinner, so Meagan had direct access to her bother.

Isaac was still sitting and staring at the four or five macaroni noodles I had put on his plate that he still had not touched, along with 2 of the 3 little tiny chunks of chicken (so basically all he had eaten up to this point were his peas and BBQ sauce). Meanwhile Meagan was thoroughly enjoying her chocolate icing. Not 30 seconds prior, she heard me prompt Isaac to take a bite of his chicken or macaroni. Apparently she was displeased with his lack of action, so she leans over to him, cupcake in hand.

Meagan (in the sweetest, most sincere, soft little voice imaginable): 'Eat your chicken Isaac.'
Isaac (in a voice a little 'less' sweet): 'Don't tell me what I have to eat.'
Meagan: Okay, sorry Isaac.......Meagan is eating. See it? I'm eating cupcake. See my cupcake Isaac?'
(Isaac gives her a 'look')

A few moments pass...

Meagan: 'Are you finished? Are you having desert?'
Isaac: 'No, I'm not finished yet.'
Meagan: 'Okay..... Meagan is eating a cupcake. See it? It's a good cupcake. Do you want to eat a cupcake Isaac? Meagan is eating a cupcake. It's yummy.'

We tried. We tried to conceal our laughter. We tried not to laugh out loud, or let them see us smiling behind our hands. We tried looking away, covering our faces, biting our cheeks...but nothing could stop it. We couldn't help but laugh at her seemingly innocent, yet knowingly antagonistic banter with her big brother. But the cutest thing was that when he had finally eaten his required amounts for dinner, and he finally got his cupcake, she congratulated him. 'Are you eating a cupcake now Isaac? Good job.' Those two may go at each other, but they are 2 peas in a pod. And they're good for some comic relief at dinner from time to time.

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