
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wake Up Wake Up the Sun is Out!

Oooooo, bad start to the morning. NONE of us (except Lucas, who goes to work at 5:00 these days) was up before 8:05 this morning...and the bus comes at 8:15. Meagan wandered into my room and snuggled up beside me just after 8:00 this morning. When I realized what time it was, I shot up out of bed, but realized it was just too late. So, the boys missed the bus, and I had to drop them off at school. Isaac, who DOES NOT like anything out of routine, was less-than-pleased with the deal, but I suppose he managed okay...I haven't heard from the school to indicate otherwise. After that, though, we seemed to get our day slightly back on track. The house is a mess, and there's still lots to do in the hour before we leave for gymnastics and small group, but I think we'll manage one way or the other.

Okay...of to get some cleaning up done. That's all for now!

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