
Monday, February 28, 2011

All Day

I just spent all day - all of my kid-free, quiet, could get something majorly accomplished day - on the phone. A good chunk of my time was spent shopping for homeowners and auto insurance for our move. Got that squared away. I also spent a decent amount of time on the phone with our mortgage company (grr) getting a wee bit frustrated with them. The end result of those conversations is that we are pushing our closing back by 10 days so that details can be taken care of, blah blah blah. Boo.

So in the six hours that I had all to myself, I was on the phone for probably five of those hours. Really. I did manage to eat breakfast and get a shower in there. I did not, however, manage to eat lunch, and was super starved by the time I went to pick the kids up from school.

Tomorrow Meagan will be home with me, but I think she has already started forming a plan to go to her friend's house tomorrow. So maybe I will be a bit more productive tomorrow. I hope.


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