
Monday, May 9, 2011

Boy vs. Girl

Never a dull moment with my daughter. She is always learning, always thinking, always... something. When I picked her up from school today she immediately started telling me about a skeleton guy she watched in computer lab, and how he told her about all the different bones in the human body.

She listed all the bones we have -
* a head bone,
* shoulder bones,
* back bones (without which we would not be able to stand up straight, but we would have to flop around like fish... love it)
* hip bones
* thigh bones
* knee bones
* leg bones (there are 2... the fibular and the tibular. *lol* and only one of them hurts when someone kicks you in the shin.)
* ankle bones
* foot bones
* and toe bones.

Note the absense of anything to do with arms. I asked her about them, but she said, "Nope, those weren't on there. But I know we have some because whenever I try to squish my finger, I run into something hard and it stops me... so that's how I know it's a bone." (love the logic).

Then she said, "And Mom, I know how you can tell the difference between a boy and a girl."

"Oh ya?" I ask, all nonchalant-like. I'm pretty good at playing it cool with these kinds of conversations anymore.

"Ya, boys have heavier hip bones than girls."

Oh. Well, that's not what I was expecting, but okay.

Then she said, "I know another way to tell a boy from a girl."

Oh dear. What now?

"The voices."

Of course. The voices. I was thinking that too!


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