
Friday, September 2, 2011

God answers prayers... here's proof!

I love it when God answers the little prayers in my life. It makes me so aware of His love for me... that He would bother with the little stuff is just so sweet.

First answered prayer... the computer. Lucas's co-worker had a thing let us borrow that allowed Lucas-the-tech-geek to hook up both my laptop harddrive and external harddrive to his computer and transfer my files. ALL of my files. Not one single picture or document or layout lost. Incredible! I am beyond happy and relieved and ever-so-grateful for this!!!

Second answered prayer... car pool posibilities!!! Tonight was Sebastian's first night practicing with the team. I dropped him off and then went to Target for a while to pass some time and look around. When I went back to the gym, there was one open seat in the viewing area. It was by two ladies who clearly knew each other and were carrying on a conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with me... so I just sat there in silence and watched practice. Yet somehow, I happened to sit down right next to the only lady I've met at this gym so far who lives in the same city as me, and whose kids go to the same school as my kids, and whose kids need to be at practice the exact times and days as my kids, and who needs the opposite end of the car pool benefits as me... so if I could pick her kids up from school when I pick my own kids up, and then drop them all off at the gym for practice, she would be able to bring them home on Monday & Wednesday (the two days that I was in desparate need of help with no viable solutions having presented themselves before this evening). Then she wouldn't have to scurry out of work and battle traffic to drive 45 minutes out of the way, and I wouldn't have to drive back and forth like a maniacal lunatic trying to be in two places at once.

Thank You God for the open seat!! And for somehow breaking into that conversation for me. And for then turning that conversation to the car pool somehow. The way You work things out AMAZES me. Every single time. *happy sigh* Oh, and thank You also especially for rescuing my pictures. This makes me beyond happy.

:) <---- that's me, smiling.

Have a lovely night tonight. Don't forget to say your prayers before bed. Today has been crammed full of evidence that He listens to them.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

Always good to have answered prayers, in both the good and small things in our lives! And hurray that your computer is ok!