
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project Life 2012: Week 3

Steadily getting caught up. Really, I don't think I'm too far behind at this point. I just have last week (week 4) to do. Can you believe we're already in week 5 of 2012?! This is nothing short of astonishing to me! I mean, Christmas feels like it was eons ago!

So, I managed to get my week 3 printed and put together. I'm still doing nothing fancy. My goal continues to be 'Get it done.' I want to have an album to look through, even if it's a plain one. The end.

Week 3 was lots of ever-day stuff as well as LOTS of time spent in downtown Indy. I had the pleasure - really truly, it was one of the most surprising perks of my week - to walk the path through White River State Park to get from the zoo parking lot (where I parked way cheaper than anywhere else during the week days) and the JW Marriott (the event venue). For starters, I didn't even know the zoo was part of a whole state park conglomerate. But it is. There's the zoo, an IMAX theater, a museum, a baseball field, an amphitheater, an NCAA Hall of Champions museum, and more! I was very pleasantly surprised by all of this. And there is a beautiful walkway that connects all of the attractions with sculptures and views that just brighten a person's day. So that's what a lot of the photos on this layout are from. I really enjoyed that walk. :)




So next week will be crammed full of photos from gymnastics meets... two meets in one 7-day span! Oy! I think I'll work on that a bit this morning and see if I can get caught up today!! Wish me luck!


1 comment:

Claire said...

Gorgeousness!! I love the city scape picture.