
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fancy Green Sparkles

Last week at gymnastics, Meagan got to pick out her first leotard. She and I had gone to every store in the area looking for an inexpensive leotard that would fit her, but we had absolutely NO luck finding anything even remotely her size. I was left with very few options - the easiest of which was to just buy a competition-grade leotard from the gym. She got to pick out whichever one of the XS's she liked best. Her first choice was actually a velvety purple one, but it was a small, not an XS, and was just a bit too big for her still. So, this is the one she chose - a dark green one with silver sparkles...appropriately named 'Fancy Green Sparkles.'

She has been waiting for a week now to finally be able to actually wear Fancy Green. One night when we checked on her before going to bed, we actually found her sound asleep, snuggling her leotard like a teddy bear. Last night before bed I told her that this was the day she finally got to put it on. Of course, at 7:00 this morning, she was in jumping on my bed asking if she could get dressed in her fancy outfit. Of course, I had to take pictures to mark the special day.

She had a great practice today. Every week she improves, which is just cool to watch. She loves it so far! And she is just so darn cute at it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute!!! What a little

Love to all,
