
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Warning: Contents are GROSS!!

Well, I must say that the majority of this day was spent cleaning various things. We started the day by gathering up our recycling and taking it to the drop-off center. We then made a short trip to Wal-Mart to get a few things and headed home. Between playing with Meagan and getting lunch ready, I did a quick clean-up of the living room & kitchen. Then during nap time I tackled the bathrooms.

My bathrooms had been neglected for slightly longer than they should have been. They were pretty dirty, and required a little extra attention. So over the course of about 2 1/2 hours, I scrubbed and cleaned all three bathrooms (although I will admit it was not at all 2 1/2 straight hours of work - still if all the cleaning supplies are out and in process of being used, it counts as cleaning time in my book).

So, when Lucas & the boys got home, we had clean, sparkling bathrooms. Aaaah! Clean bathrooms are the best! BUT...I prefer when they last for more than 3 hours....

After dinner, the kids all went back outside to play while Lucas & I cleaned up the kitchen. All of a sudden, the back door opens up and one of the kids - we'll preserve some level of anonymity & call him/her CHILD A - comes in and sort of shuffle walks toward the bathroom. So I ask Child A if everything is okay, and I get a funny look in return. Soon after, I hear, "MOOOOOMMMM!!! I need help!" So I go into the 1st-floor bathroom to see what the trouble is. It only took about a mili-second for me to figure it out. Poo smeared on the toilet seat, some on the floor, and all over the shirt sleeve and the pants. Obviously, that bathroom encounter didn't go as planned.

Meanwhile... CHILD B slips past and heads upstairs to the kids' bathroom. Because of the mess that had been made by Child A, I decided a bath was definitely in order. So, I abandoned kitchen duties, and headed up the stairs to run some bath water and start some laundry. When I got to the bathroom, however, there is a scene almost identical to the one I just left. Child B had obviously slid off of the toilet (I'll let you figure out how I figured that one out! LOL), and was standing in the middle of the bathroom with a bewildered look on his/her face. Poo on the toilet seat, on the floor, and on the sink counter. Plus all over the pants and legs. YIKES!

What is there to do but strip everyone down and throw them all in the tub (and clean the bathrooms again, and do two loads of laundry!) I'm fairly certain that God used this moment in my day to run a progress test. All in all, I think I handled it fairly okay (although I may have made a comment once something along the lines of 'I JUST cleaned the bathrooms...couldn't you have done this YESTERDAY?). Other than that, though, I stayed calm and did not get upset.

And on top of it all, I learned a lesson...Next time I clean the bathrooms, I'm locking the doors and keeping everyone out for at least 6 hours! LOL!

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