
Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day

Today is a snow day. No school. Which means a house full of kids on a day which I would otherwise have all to myself. I don't mind. I love my kids. But I will admit, it is much more difficult to get things done when they're here. As a result of the weekend, I have laundry piled up, and more to go in the wash, and a kitchen that needs some TLC. Not to mention, I have to generally clean the house for Isaac's birthday party this weekend. But I have 3 Tasmanian devils who blow through the house in a blur and leave paths of destruction behind them.

I had to laugh this morning when I saw Lilly lying on the basket of what WAS clean towels. *Sigh* At least someone is enjoying the messy house. I shall be rewashing those towels when she is done with her cat nap. *LOL*

Even though it is VERY cold today, the kids wanted to head out to play. I went out to attempt to clear the driveway (let's just say, I have NOT mastered the art of using the snow blower... it kept blowing up in the air and landing straight back in my face, no matter which way I pointed the blower). They played outside while I cleared snow. Then I went in... they stayed out.
Finally, I had to yell (yes I mean YELL) out the front door for them to come in for lunch and warmth.
THIS is the aftermath of having a snow day. The front hall, which is hard wood, is covered in towels and rugs to keep the snow puddles off of the floor. Adds to the general messiness of the house I think. But at least they got to enjoy their snow day.

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