
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Today Was Good. Today Was Fun. Tomorrow is Another One.

This has been a great day! We had a great start - everyone got out the door with everything they needed, great attitudes, and a cheerful start to the day. After we dropped the boys off at school, I asked Meagan what she would most like to do today. She said she wanted to play the marble game. So we played Aggravation together. We worked together to get the laundry washed, folded & hung, and sorted into put-away baskets. We even had a lunch date - she wanted a cheese roll up, so we went to Taco Bell. The guy in line in front of me won a free bean burrito but didn't want it, so he handed it off to me. Sweet! Free lunch! We made a stop at Wal-Mart to get a few things here & there, then went to pick the boys up.

The afternoon / evening went smoothly too. Chili for dinner... YUM (and chicken noodle soup for the kids. Gone are the days of opening one little can of soup and warming it up in the tiny pot. Oh no! Three cans of soup in the big pot just to feed my three little pigs).

We got the kitchen cleaned up quickly, the kids picked up their toys, and then put away their laundry, got showers, and still had time to play. I love it!

Meagan had some newly-required Daddy Time. Yesterday she absolutely melted down. I mean, it was nuts. When Lucas went to talk to her about it, she said it was because she just wanted to spend time with him, and she doesn't get to spend enough time with him. So he spent time with her (playing a board game last night). Tonight he had to change the truck battery, so she tagged along. She went with him to get the battery. And she stood outside with him while he did the repairs. Perfectly happy to be freezing cold as long as she's with her Daddy.

Isaac also got two bucket-filler awards today from school (for being kind and helpful to others). All in all, a great day! Here's hoping and expecting for tomorrow to be another great day!


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