
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We had a great day yesterday! What beautiful weather (although today it's overcast & dreary - at least it's not snowing)! We had a great morning at story hour, and we even got back early enough to play outside for a few minutes before the bus came. The kids took a really good nap, so I got some stuff done around the house (I FINALLY got all of our laundry folded & put away, after having an overflowing collection of baskets since we got back from Ohio. So I was pretty happy about that.) We took Meagan to the chiropractor to get her ears checked & to get her adjusted for her many tumbles down and off of stairs lately. No ear infections, just a little irritated, so we caught it in time again! Yea! Then, more playing outside until dinner time - at Applebees (so no cooking)! Then MORE playing outside. We - well, the kids - rode bikes down to the circle (I walked) and played. The new family (someone finally bought the other 2-story!!) was out playing too. They have 3 kids - a boy who's 4/almost 5, and 2 girls who are almost 3. The kids had a blast! Then an evening of scrapping. So all in all it was a great day!

Oh, one funny thing...I was up late last night scrapping (time change is getting me, and I just can't sleep at 11:00 yet!). Well, I was on my way up to bed, and as I was walking through our pitch black living room, I heard Lilly 'meow' like she needed help. So I flipped on the light and found her locked in her overturned cat carrier. The last I had seen her, she was snoozing on the couch. So apparently one of the boys wasn't feeling very sleepy either, and they decided to sneak downstairs to 'play' with he cat! Poor girl! She puts up with an awful lot from these kids!

Let's see...what's up for today? Right now the kids are playing dress up/ghost people with blankets. Sebastian is waiting patiently for computer time. Other than that, not a lot planned. I'll definitely let you know if anything of interest comes up.

Here's the page I got done last night. Oh! I forgot to share this news with you - I'm on one more Creative Team (this is the last one for a while, I swear!). She's a new designer at Elemental Scraps. I really like her stuff, and her kits come all together instead of having to buy paper & elements separately. I like that. So anyway, here's my first page using some of her designs. (Credits)

Journaling: Why does this seem like a daily keep you out of the cupboards, to keep your food off the floor? You've only just turned one, and already it's clear to me that you have a very independent and determined personality. Meagan, July '06


Anonymous said...

Any new news about the bus driver??

Rebecca H. said...

nope, no news yet. i'm not really sure what i expect - they're not going to fire her over it, and i doubt they report back to me personally with any action they took. we'll see. i may call back early next week to follow up if i don't hear anything.