
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Through My Eyes

I woke up this morning (at 8:00, thank you very much 2-hour delay!) and lay in bed for a moment just thinking. I could hear my kids playing. The cat was sleeping on my legs. And I thought to myself...... "I feel like putting pictures on my blog." Yep, true story... that was really one of my very first thoughts this morning. I don't know what's wrong with me... I just go with it.

I was thinking of all of the pictures that I've taken in January, and how few of them have actually made their way to the blog. Well, as there are so many of them, I doubt I could even get half of them posted... but I could get quite a few if I would just take the time.

So this morning I sat down and went through my January pictures, and I picked out a few (yes, 'few') that I felt really give a sense of what life is like around here every day. So here you go.... life, as seen through my eyes...

Sebastian and Lilly.... he LOVES this cat. He loves it when she sits on his lap and when she lays by him at night. Since we've moved here, though, he is afraid that she doesn't like him as much any more. So he was super happy this day when she just came and sat on him while he was watching tv.

I like the cat too, although not as much as Sebastian... especially when she does dumb stuff like try to lay and sleep on the back of a chair (a brand new chair that was given to me as a gift and that I've been wanting and waiting for for a loooooonnnng time) that is all of 2 inches wide. Seriously cat, it's not working. Give up. I pray for the day that she gives up. She's nuts.

Meagan was super excited that her breakfast banana had a Donkey Kong sticker on it. What else is there to do but stick it on the palm of your hand where it is least likely to remain sticky. She is also a nut.
Part of every day is after-school pick-up. I go, and stand in the freezing cold snow and wait... and wait... until finally all three of my children have made their way out of the building.
I love this boy. But this year I am really noticing that he is much more aware of being watched... do you know what I mean by that? I mean, when kids are little, they'll do whatever they want to do, no matter who is watching. They don't care, as long as they're having fun. Well, Sebastian is aware of others watching now. He is much less willing to let go and be silly. He is usually super serious, like this:
He and Meagan got tired of waiting on Isaac, so they went off toward the playground.
Finally.... Isaac.

Days when Meagan stays home are always interesting... as in, full of invention... and usually mess. This day she used some crates to set up an office in my bedroom so she could play near me while I was cleaning.
Isaac and his Army guys he got for his birthday. He gets SO intricate and detailed when he sets this up to play. I love how much he puts into play time.
She's a super hero. She has a cape. And big muscles.
Sebastian and Isaac both love to watch Daddy play games. I have never figured out why they don't pull up a chair and sit. But they just stand there. For long periods of time. I don't get it. But apparently they do.
This picture cracks me up. Lucas playing PS3, and all three kids on the couch with their DS's. This is a typical Saturday morning for us.
She is Elizabeth Swan. They were watching Pirates. And you can't watch Pirates without a full-out costume, apparently. Isaac also felt inspired by the movie. Although I have yet to figure out WHAT his costume is... Looks a lot more like Star Wars than Pirates to me. But whatever makes him happy.
Maybe the blurriest picture ever, but I *love* it. I took this just before Lucas left to go back to Indiana. :(
Remember I just told you how Sebastian is always so serious these days? That's what makes these two pictures SO special! I love it when he lets go and just laughs (and lets me do his hair like this)!
One of his favorite shirts - Awesome ends with ME. Yes, this picture speaks volumes as to his awesomeness, don't you think?
Meagan the creator. She made a garden pinwheel out of tinker toys. And of course, left a tinker toy mess all over the basement. (Which she cleaned up later, with a bit of 'encouragement'.)

It was a no-electronics day. At first I thought maybe Isaac would die of sadness. But he seemed to recover, and they played Battleship. It was great!

Isaac has lost both of his front teeth this month. Finally his bruised/ brown tooth is gone. Time to start fresh.
Another messy day at home with Meagan. This time it was a blanket fort in the kitchen and Dinosaur Island in the walk way. Love it!
This just cracked me up! She dressed herself in one of the quirkiest outfits ever... her Christmas dress, some black stretch tights, orange socks and her pink snow boots. Then she proceeded to go to school without remembering to brush her hair or her teeth. Yuck. But it made for a pretty classic picture!
One of the things I have really liked about living here is that I have had time to be active in Isaac's class room. At the beginning of the year especially, he really really needed it. And it has become something I have come to really enjoy. It's time that I give just to him, and I think he likes that.
This was hanging on Isaac's locker. I just thought it was sweet. "I have a dream that someday I will make video games. I have a dream that my family will always be safe. I have a dream that my school will be bigger someday. I have a dream that my neighborhood will have more people." Just a little peek inside his brain.

This is what I call chaos at Meijer. Really. After school. Three kids. Pent up energy. All combined to make for a most lovely experience. (I do not like grocery shopping with kids. In case you were wondering.)

This is the cat inside the dinosaur rock. When I took this picture I just thought it was cute. Little did I know that after I took this picture, Meagan zipped up the front of the rock. We then proceeded to leave to pick the boys up and go to the grocery (see previous picture). When we came home, we found the cat in the rock in the middle of the living room, with her head poked out one of the small side holes. She was STUCK. I had to grab her head and PUSH to force her back through the hole so she could exit the rock. Drama.

I paint. She paints. It's much easier to get my painting done if she has something of her own to be doing.

Hexabits. Ever done them? They're creative and cute, but they are killer on the fingers. Meagan loves them. Currently there are hexabits all over my office floor.


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