
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

week 3: 2011

Another project 365 page complete! I am still doing pretty well keeping up with the picture taking. I don't think I've missed any days yet. In fact, I have TOO many pictures and I'm having trouble choosing just ONE photo per day. For those who know me well, I'm sure you are not surprised by this at all. *shrug* What's a girl to do?

15 - A lazy Saturday spent playing at home and enjoying our time with Lucas.

16 - After Lucas left for IN, we lightened the mood with laughter. The kids held onto my legs as I (tried) to drag them around the kitchen. Funny stuff!

17 - Isaac's friend Carrie came over to visit. Three hours of playing wii = fun for them

18 - A CLEAN house for our first BMA. Even my laundry room is clean & empty.

19 - A blanket fort at the breakfast table. This is life with Meagan.

20 - The boys played Battleship together since it was a no-electronics day.

21 - Meagan's sense of style always brings a smile to my face. Christmas dress & boots.


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