
Saturday, January 29, 2011

What a Little Time Can Do

One year ago today, we were processing the information that the plant in Michigan would soon be closing. We had no idea what the future held, no idea what would happen with Lucas' job, and no idea where we would be in a month, let alone a year.

Now a year later, I am astounded as I look back on the past 12 months. Crazy what 12 little months can do.

The move from Michigan. The sale of our house. The (slow and determined) recovery from the sale of our house. The job at Corporate. The travel. The time being separated because of work. The adjustment to this community. The news of another relocation. The new job in Indiana. And now the approaching process of selling this house and buying yet another one. Wow.

While all of the facts and things that can be seen by others are amazing, what has been most valuable to me have been the changes that have happened on the inside. Our family has grown closer. Lucas and I have grown closer. The kids have begun to adjust and mature. We have seen beautiful changes in Isaac's behavior and responses. And my personal relationship with God has deepened and matured in immeasurable ways. These are the elements of the past year that I absolutely love and value above everything else. All the circumstances are just that - circumstantial, but the intangible changes are substantial. So worth all the mess and chaos that we've endured in the past year.

I'm amazed at what a little time can do. Or, what God can do with a little time.


1 comment:

Val said...

Ooh, I love that last line. Ought to be a bumper sticker for the rest of us! =) I'm so glad He brought you back, and am bummed that He's sneaking you off again! =/