
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thoughts from Meagan


I love spending the afternoons with Meagan. She is a character, and she has some of the best thoughts! I love that she shares what's on her mind, too, as it's usually good entertainment!

Today's thoughts include the following:

* Mom, I don't know why cat's like to chase mice so much. If I were a cat, I wouldn't really WANT to eat a mouse. Or a bird. ------ Like, why does Tom chase Jerry so much? I think it would be better for both of them if they would just be friends. ----- Plus, Tom will never win anyway, because Jerry just has better ideas.

* I think there just keeps getting more and more people in the world. Like, when babies are born, then there are more people.... but some other people are getting old and then when they die there are less people... so really it's like recycling people. But I think there are more babies than old people, so probably there just keeps getting more people.

* I think when you get older, you start to run out of dreams. I hope I never run out of dreams. That would be sad.

I can't help but wonder how long she sits and ponders these things - life-altering things - before she verbalizes her thoughts. It's amazing to me the things that captivate her thoughts. Her brain is never still. She is always always thinking... you just never know what it is she's thinking about... until she shares her thoughts.


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