
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

True Friendship

Sometimes we get lucky in childhood and find that one friend that we really click with - that friend who just 'gets' us. I had a childhood friend like that...Kelli. She was so much fun to be around, and we spent a LOT of time together growing up. We even looked similar, so we often heard, "Are you two twins?" I remember when we first met - our parents must have known each other or something? I don't know all the particulars, as we were pretty young at the time. I remember my mom telling me about her, and I was SO nervous to meet her. But we hit it off right away - I think we made up some story about some cartoon where a guy put a sock or a shoe or something on his head... *shrug* sometimes childhood memories get a bit fuzzy,don't they?

At any rate, one day Kelli told me her family was moving... to another state... and I was beyond sad. I cried when she left. I mean cried. No more getting together to play. No more just hanging out. She was gone.

Yes, we wrote letters, sort of... and it was fun to get a letter or two from her. But it wasn't the same. And I thought maybe I would never see her again.

And then one day... her family moved back! And I was thrilled! Funny how things work out like that. Funny how what seems like a hopeless situation can turn around and become something so different in the blink of an eye. So anyway, she moved back, we remained friends, and we grew up... Our friendship changed some over the years, but it was always there. I always knew she was my friend, even when I didn't deserve it. Sometimes in life we just get lucky to meet a friend like that.

Isaac has met such a friend in his life. Her name is Carrie, and she is an amazing friend to him. The two of them just click. They just get each other. They have so much in common. And they're just always pulling for each other, looking out for each other. It's great! So when we announced we were moving out of state, neither one of them was thrilled. Isaac told me nearly every day, "I just don't want to leave Carrie." That was, and remains, his only real objection to the move. Who knows how they will fair... how things will work out. But in my heart, somewhere deep down, I just feel like our paths have not diverged forever. I'm pretty sure they will cross again some day. I only hope that when they do, the friendship that is there between Isaac and Carrie will remain... will prove to be the kind of friendship that can withstand the craziness of this life. That kind of friendship - true friendship - should be cherished forever.


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1 comment:

Kelli said...

So here, I am... working from BK, letting AJ play a bit, so I don't feel completely guilty shoe-ing him away, while I work, when I take a quick break and click over to my Google Reader.... tearing up in the playland.

I am so thankful for our friendship, too.... in every stage it's been in. I'm proud of you and truly enjoying "staying close" through your writing. Isn't technology (most of the time) great!

Thank you for such a sweet post. It really made my day. I've been thinking about you guys a lot during this move... especially your boys as I can relate them to mine in SO many ways. (still a-like, I guess).

Thank you for give us all these glimpses into your days.

Your Friend, Kelli.

(and I totally remember the 'shoe on the head cartoon' conversation that we BOTH made up thinking the other person saw it!) :)